Region 11 Comprehensive Center
Using Bright Spots in South Dakota Indian Country to Increase Native American Student Achievement
R11CC collaborates with the South Dakota Department of Education (DOE) and the South Dakota Office of Indian Education (OIE) to identify existing practices associated with positive Native American student outcomes in South Dakota schools. R11CC, the DOE, and the OIE work with stakeholders such as tribal education agencies, the Indian Education Advisory Council, the Bureau of Indian Education, districts, and schools to improve their capacity to define, implement, and share practices and interventions that are culturally responsive and improve Native American student achievement and success.
Long-term outcomes associated with this project include increased kinship, harmony, and cultural empathy between Native American and non-Native American South Dakotans; a scaled implementation of the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings and Standards and other evidence-based practices for teaching Indigenous knowledge; increased reciprocity and reduced institutional barriers to collaboration among agencies; and increased Native American student academic achievement scores.
Innovation Configuration Map Resources For Pilot School Educators:
OSEUS IC Map: Integration Guide for Teachers
IC Map Pilot Flyer
OSEUS Integration Guide: Implementation Study Summary of Findings
Getting Started with Teaching the OSEUS
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