Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Reservation: Cheyenne River Reservation; Dewey and Ziebach Counties.
Division: Lakota
Bands: Minnecoujou, Two Kettle (Oohenunpa), Sans Arc (Itazipco) and Blackfoot (Si Sapa)
Trust Land Base: 1,450,644 acres
Tribal Headquarters: Eagle Butte, SD
Time Zone: Mountain
Traditional Language: Lakota
Total Population: 8,594
Estimated Tribal Enrollment: 15,993
Major Employers: Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Current Tribal Leaders
Charter: None
Constitution and Bylaws: Yes - IRA
Date Approved: December 17, 1935
Name of Governing Body: Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Council
Number of Council members: (15) fifteen council members
Dates of Constitutional amendments: February 11, 1966, June 18, 1980, July 17, 1992
Number of Executive Officers: (4) Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer
The Vice-Chair is appointed from the Council to serve a 2 year term.
Council Representatives represent six districts, with the number of representatives determined by population.
Council Representatives serve 4 year terms and elections are staggered every 2 years.
Primary Elections take place during August, and General Elections follow in September.
Number of Election districts or communities: 13
Quorum number: 2/3 of the members
Tribal College:
Cheyenne River College Center, Eagle Butte, SD
KIPI 93.5 FM, Eagle Butte, SD
KLNM 89.5 FM, McLaughlin, SD
Eagle Butte News, Eagle Butte, SD; West River Progress, Dupree, SD
Big Foot, a Minnecoujou chief, remained true to the "old ways" throughout his life. He was regarded as a wise leader, who respected the individual rights of his people. Big Foot, who had settled on the Cheyenne River Reservation, was killed during the 1890 Wounded Knee massacre. He died under the white flag of truce.
Arvol Looking Horse is a 19th generation keeper of the Sacred Pipe of the Great Sioux Nation. In this position, he cares for the Sacred Pipe, presented by the White Buffalo Calf Woman many years ago. Looking Horse leads the annual "Sacred Pipestone Run," the purpose of which is to stop the sale of sacred pipestone. He holds an honorary doctoral degree from the University of South Dakota.
Tribal Website
Chairman: Ryman LeBeau
PO Box 590
Eagle Butte, SD 57625-0590
Phone: (605) 964-4155
Fax: (605) 964-4151