Yankton Sioux Tribe

Reservation: Yankton Reservation; part of Charles Mix County.
Division: Dakota and Nakota
Bands: Ihanktonwan
Trust Land Base: 36,741 acres
Tribal Headquarters: Wagner, SD
Time Zone: Central
Traditional Language: Dakota
Total Population: 6,824
Estimated Tribal Enrollment:11,594
Major Employers: Fort Randall Casino, Indian Health Service, tribal office, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Marty Indian School
Current Tribal Leaders
Charter: None
Constitution and Bylaws: Yes - IRA
Date Approved: April 24, 1963
Name of Governing Body: Yankton Sioux Tribal Business and Claims Committee
Number of Council members: (5) five committee members
Dates of Constitutional amendments: March 20, 1975
Number of Executive Officers: (4) Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer
Primary elections for the Tribe occur in July of the election year, and general elections take place in early September. New officers are sworn in at the end of September.
Number of Election districts or communities: 5
Quorum number: 5 members
Ihanktonwan Community College
Legend has it that when he was born in 1804, Struck By The Ree, a Yankton chief, was wrapped in an American flag by Meriwether Lewis. Lewis and Clark were in the area exploring Louisiana Purchase lands. As a leader, Struck By The Ree managed to befriend the whites, yet remain dedicated and loyal to his people. He died in 1888 at Greenwood

Tribal Website
Chairman: Robert Flying Hawk
PO Box 1153
Wagner, SD 57380
Phone: (605) 384-3641
Fax: (605) 384-5687